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July 28, 2021
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A couple years ago, I bought a distributor's license from Health and Wellness Company with a view to building a retail website. It was wildly held that the internet was capable of putting the small retailer on equal footing with the larger online retailers. The products were top of the line vitamins, protein shakes, and skin care products. The company, which is well known in the industry, had an extensive packaging and distribution network that would alleviate two of the most time consuming and burdensom aspects of running an online business. All I had to do was build a retail site, get orders, and money would begin to flow into my business account while I was sleeping! Ok, so I was a little naive. Here are some of the pitfalls that I encountered whilst attempting to put this futile business venture together. Under Capitalization [ edit | edit source] The first revelation in this endeavor was that quality web design costs money and my meager budget of a few thousand dollars would not buy tailers like Dell computers have multi million dollar budgets for their websites.

Several days after the interview did i get the job online

As a loner, Bergdahl might have lacked the connection with his unit that could have allowed him to communicate more effectively with them his frustrations and concerns; it also might explain how Bergdahl was able to break the cardinal rule of the military in leaving his unit and betraying his comrade's trust and sense of unity. Bergdahl definitely had suspicious and paranoid thoughts and constant doubts about the loyalty of others, especially Lt. Baker. In 2006, Bergdahl was also discharged from the Coast Guard guard for psychological reasons, but the Coast Guard did not alert the Army about it when Bergdahl was admitted to the Army. Normally such an event is a red flag and would require a waiver from the Army in order to enlist; such an event would be included in a wide variety of bars to enlistment that require waivers as the Pentagon believes certain things, such as legal problems or health issues, could cause recruits to not perform well. This would have been especially relevant in the case of soldiers stationed in active terrorist zones in Afghanistan.

Several days after the interview did i get the job question

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl [ edit | edit source] Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is a US Army Soldier who was held captive by the Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan from June 2009 to May 2014. Bergdahl walked off of his base at OP Mest June 2009 in an attempt to create a DUSTWUN (Duty Status Whereabouts Unknown) to catch the attention of the US Army. During his attempt to walk to FOB Sharana, the Taliban discovered his location and captured him. He was quickly moved to Pakistan where the Army would not be able to search for him without invading a country the US is at peace with. He was released May 2014 in exchange for five Guantanamo Bay detainees, a subject of much controversy in the US. He is scheduled to be tried on general court-martial on charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. Lt. Col. Clint Baker [ edit | edit source] Lieutenant Colonel Clint Baker was the Battalion Commander of the 501st Infantry Regiment, Bergdahl's battalion. [1] Soon after being stationed in Afghanistan, Bergdahl became very concerned about several of the orders Lt. Baker was giving.

Several days after the interview did i get the job to be

He is charged with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. If found guilty, he could receive a maximum penalty of life imprisonment. On December 22, Bergdahl entered no plea during the initial hearing. The trial date will be in August 2016 and will be held in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Ethical questions [ edit | edit source] Is Bergdahl at fault for his behavior, given his personality disorder and those who failed to notify the Army of it? Does he deserve more punishment, or were his five years as a Taliban prisoner, filled with violent torture, demoralizing humiliation, sleep deprivation, isolation, starvation, and other mental/emotional torture punishment enough? What could Bowe have done instead? Some of his actions can attribute the term "whistleblower" to him, is he one? References [ edit | edit source]

Several days after the interview did i get the job description

His fee for maintaining the site (doing updates and addressing technical issues) was $100 per month, plus another $30 for the server. After mulling this proposition over for a few days, I reasoned that the business of driving traffic to websites too, was new to the designer and that more money spent on this venture would be wasted. I logged onto the site and bought a hundred dollars of my own vitamins, (all I wanted by this time was one sale) called the designer and fired him. No Standards [ edit | edit source] One of the first things I did when trying to decide on a reputable web design company was attend a seminar on internet retailing at the main branch of the public library. It was here that I was informed by an internet expert that there was no organization in the web design industry which measured the quality of work being done. The industry was new and choosing a reputable designer was hit and miss. One of the noteworthy items in my search for a reputable company was that only one of a dozen or so that I talked with actually had an office.

Several days after the interview did i get the job for a

several days after the interview did i get the job done

He didn't trust the chain of command so he decided to go down another route to fix the problems he saw by creating a DUSTWUN. Bergdahl's Reasoning [ edit | edit source] Bergdahl felt no one at his post would be able to solve the problems he saw and felt it was necessary to speak to a general, thus he would have to head to another base. "All's I was seeing was basically leadership failure, to the point where the lives of the guys standing next to me were — literally from what I could see — in danger of something seriously going wrong and somebody being killed, " Bergdahl says in an interview. In the same interview Berdahl later says, "I was trying to prove to the world … that I was capable of being that person … me saying I am like Jason Bourne. … I could be what it is that all those guys out there who go to the movies … They all want to be that, but I wanted to prove that I was that. " He knew that the region was crawling with insurgents, but he had "outsize impressions of his own capabilities, " according to an investigating officer, and was determined to create enough chaos to get the attention of senior commanders.

All else were working out of their homes or on a part time basis. This first "company" I hired were a husband and wife team who were designing web sites away from their day jobs. They already had a number of web site clients but were taking on new clients regardless of already being overwhelmed by the work load. After the initial payment was made time for my site soon disappeared. Furthermore the quality of work proved suspect and tardy. After less than a month I let them go. After conducting several interviews with local designers the gentlemen I decided on was working with a high profile design company and doing web sites away from work. This too proved a mistake, although technically and professionally he was leaps and bounds better than the first couple, he failed to deliver on his promises in a timely manner and was also guilty of making claims as to his expertise on web design that were false.

  • Several days after the interview did i get the job description
  • Several days after the interview did i get the job as a
  • Several days after the interview did i get the job questions
  • Several days after the interview did i get the job start
  • Several days after the interview did i get the job for a